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Meeting Highlights: September 14th, 2017

Welcome Claire … our Inbound International Exchange Student What a delight to welcome Claire to the Comox Valley. Past Assistant Governor, Robert Buckley, introduced Claire to our group and invited her to place the flag of her homeland, Belgium, into the flag stand.

Guest Speaker
Our Program Committee Chair, Bill Verburgt, is doing a great job in bringing interesting speakers to our Thursday night meetings. Last week was no exception. Our speaker, Allan McMurray, is considered an authority on conducting pedagogy and wind repertoire and has been a guest conductor, lecturer, and clinician in 42 states and 13 countries. Allan and his wife Judy now enjoy living part time in the Comox Valley and the rest of the time in California. During his presentation, it was clear that he had captured the attention and interest of his audience. Hunch is … that’s a common response to his engaging presentation style and informative message. Toward the end of his presentation, Mr. McMurray had us sing Auld Lang Syne … twice. The first time we followed his lead but with no instruction as to mood. The second time he asked us to sing as if we saying farewell, collectively, to a dear friend. The outcome was striking. After the last note was sung, he asked if we sensed the difference. Yes was the response. What accounted for the difference? Well, he said, when we sang the song the second time, we shared a common focus … a common sentiment. Interesting how that moment seemed to epitomize the sentiment that unites Rotarians. As a group of individuals with a shared focus … service to others, service above self … our “song” is indeed rich and meaningful. These websites give you a sense of what you missed if you weren’t able to join us last week.

Rotary Moment
And speaking of Rotary Moments, T. Dale Roberts spoke of the importance of considering the good organizations do in the world when we decide where to direct our donations. Needless to say, the Rotary Foundation is top of Dale’s list.

Welcome “Home” Michael Bergob Michael has returned from what Facebook postings suggest was a wonderful time in Italy. Michael, thanks for choosing to renew your membership with us.

Want to Support Mark Isfeld Interact Club? Here’s How! When returning bottles to the Bottle Depot on Anderton (Comox), please let the staff know that you wish to direct your change to the Isfeld Interact Club. Thanks! And thanks to James Eby for preparing signage for the Bottle Depot. Rotarians at Work in the Community

Comox Valley Community Foundation. (CVCF)
Harry Panjer, the new President of the Comox Valley Community Foundation, announced that the CVCF Gala will take place on October 14th. The theme: Crimson and Gold. Harry would be pleased to provide further information if you’re interested in attending.

Comox Valley Hospice Society
Joan Collinge is selling 50-50 tickets for the Comox Valley Hospice Society. This major fund-raiser is SO close to being a sell-out … which will see the happy winner $25,000 richer … and the Hospice Society as well. And Another Rotary-Sponsored Fundraiser or Should That Read FUNraiser? Either way …

Cumberland Italian Fest Dinner
Rotary Club of Cumberland Centennial’s major fundraiser at the Cumberland Recreation Centre. Doors-5:30pm, Family Style Italian Dinner at 6:30pm. Silent and live auctions including draws. Table of 8 or 10 may be reserved. Date(s): Saturday, September 30, 2017 – 5:30pm Pricing: $36 Phone Number: 871.4068. cell 702.4049 Email: Over and out … until next time.

Conductor Allan McMurray
Chair of the CU-Boulder Conducting Department, Allan McMurray
More info @
Automated post from Rotary Club of Comox –
September 21, 2017 at 04:19PM

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