Meeting Highlights: May 3, 2018
Meeting Highlights
Rotary Moment: Bill Verburgt
Thanks, Bill, for sharing your Rotary moment with us. What a great story. Bill’s moment took him and us back to when he was President of a Lower Mainland club. He received a call late in the day from an organization that had received more Christmas gift donations than what they could handle. What should they do with them? Who should they contact? Rotary came to mind. Rotary, the group thought, with all the good work they do would know what to do in this situation.
Good call! Bill rallied the troops, collected the gifts … dropping some off at a women’s centre. Then they visited a family … a family that had just recently arrived in Canada. Bill spoke of the joy the family experienced in receiving those wonderful gifts and the joy he and his helpers experienced in bringing warmth and kindness to these new Canadians. No grants, Bill said. No overhead. Simply gifts from the heart delivered to those in need. That’s Rotary at work.
Calling All The Ducky 500 Volunteers
Rob Van Haarlem filling in for the DTA-attending Tim Cowan, reminded us to fill in those blank spots on the sign-up sheet for Ducky sales.
He also mentioned that one more team captain is needed … the Canadian Tire location requires an overseer. Interested? Wondering what’s involved? Tim and/or Rob can answer your questions and hopefully sign you up. ☺
Visitor: Steve Williams of the Costalegre Rotary Club (Mexico)
It was good to welcome back Steve Williams, who lives in Victoria but for whom, it seems, Mexico is a second home. You may remember that he and a couple of others visited our club last year to speak about work they are doing in Mexico. Working in partnership with local residents in a community about 75 km south of Puerto Vallarta, big changes were made to a facility that houses old folks who have nowhere else to go.
The residents, who have no family, pay nothing. Government provides some funding. And locals help out in whatever way they can. Fishermen, for instance, donate fish when their harvest exceeds demand.
Steve expressed gratitude for the donation the WCS Committee made (on behalf of the club) to the project. Listening to Steve, we can be assured that the donation was put to very good use and that it is truly making a difference in the lives of the elders of this community.
Foundation: Rod McKenzie
Rod reported that 40% of our members have signed up for Rotary Direct. Yeah Team! Now … if we can shift that number upward that would make Rod REALLY happy. ☺ Need more information? Rod’s your contact! Thanks Rod.
And the Draw Winners Were …
Cathy Snyder and Les Postnikoff
Guest Speaker: Cherie Kamenz (Canadian Cancer Society)
Our guest speaker provided an informative overview of the services offered through the Canadian Cancer Society and, in response to a question, explained the difference between the CCS and the BC Cancer Agency.
A good portion of her presentation focused on the upcoming Relay for Life – Comox Valley, which begins at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 9th and goes through until 6:00 a.m. Sunday, June 10th.
This is “a twelve-hour, non-competitive Relay event that challenges teams of individuals to fundraise and to take turns walking around the track to show support for people living with cancer. For 26 years, Relay For Life, the national signature event of the Canadian Cancer Society, has been the biggest cancer fundraising evening in Canada.”
Last year, the Comox Valley event raised $118,000 for the fight against cancer.
We can all participate … if not by walking, by sponsoring or volunteering. Interested? Looking for more information?
Call Cherie at 250-218-7158 or email her at:
Thanks to the Back-up Team of Chris Brulotte and Richard Boyle
Thanks Chris for filling in for President Jo and Richard for serving as Sargeant-at-Arms for Charlene Davis, who were in Tacoma learning lots and getting inspired at DTA … and hopefully finding time for fun!
Until next time …