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Meeting Highlights: Nov 30, 2017

Meeting Highlights: Nov 30, 2017

This was the evening of our Annual General Meeting. With quorum established, the meeting was completed before our regular meeting. Thank you to Past President Chris Brulotte, Chair of the Nominations Committee, who also chaired the AGM – and to Past Secretary Tim Cowan, who took the minutes. And to everyone who attended and made up quorum.

Sincere thanks and congratulations to those who have been elected as new board members:
Incoming Vice President Rod McKenzie and Incoming Directors Sukhman Sidhu, Tom Miller, Ernie von Schilling, and Rob Van Haarlem. These members will be a great addition to Incoming President Russ Wigle’s team!

Gratitude was expressed to the outgoing Directors: Henrie Beaudoin, Leif Jason, Rod McKenzie (moving to Vice President), and Cathy Snyder, all of whose Directorship terms on the board will end on June 30, 2018.

On the last day of Foundation Month, President Jo asked members to consider the painless way to give to the Foundation through Rotary Direct automatic regular payment – it’s always easier to give a few dollars per month than one lump sum. For just $11 per month, you too can be a Sustaining Member who gives TRF $100 USD per year. Speak to Foundation Director Rod.

We were reminded that the Club Meetings are cancelled for Dec 21 and Dec 28 for the holiday season. The December board meeting has also been cancelled.

Russell Ball is fully approved as a member and will be inducted in the New Year. It will be the club’s pleasure to welcome him.

Celesta from Interact was on hand again this year to sell Christmas cards in aid of the Market Kids Program. Purchasers provide the Tegucigalpa market children with the necessities for school.

Along with being the meeting at which Club Service Director Hannah will tell members about Club Service activities, December 14 will also be the Ugly Sweater meeting. Why not come to the meeting lit up or wearing something seriously festive? Members are also invited to bring a gift to exchange – it can be a “white elephant” gift – something useless or funky or seriously tacky – or it can be something homemade – no monetary output is expected….if you bring a gift, you can take home a gift…..should be a fun meeting!!

SALMON So far 44% has been sold – not quite half way! – BUT, we’re half way through our sales campaign period – so we can’t let up anytime soon! Please sign up at one of the sales venues. We have to move the rest of that salmon out into the hands of the community! We’ve sold out before, we can do it again! Salmon will be on sale to members at our club meeting on December 14. President Jo extended warm thanks to Salmon Sales Chair Rod McKenzie. We all do our parts for this fundraiser but Rod is there every day, hoisting the salmon, keeping the inventory straight, making sense of our financial sales reports, finalizing the schedules and rosters, stapling labels, bagging the salmon, loading and unloading, keeping it all straight…..he’s an amazing leader. Thank you, Rod! And no, you don’t look like a fish. Yet.

SOUP SISTERS and BROTH BROTHERS – Charlene introduced the club to the concept of Soup Sisters and Broth Brothers – folks who make and deliver soup into the hands of those who need it. Just simple service with no infrastructure – Interested members: get in touch with Charlene to help think through and organize this venture – who knows what a great thing this could be!

Fellow member David Peat has sent greetings from Kabul where he is currently working. He is hoping to be able to attend a Rotary meeting there before he leaves! We miss you, David! Stay safe and well. Click on the link below for the Rotary Moment for this week.

Everybody Deserves A Smile (EDAS) Founder, Chantal Stefan was also on hand personally to inspire us in our service task to create gift cards for recipients of the EDAS care packages this holiday season. https://youtu.be/56QT57pJOaU Everyone present let out their inner creative selves to make messages of love to tuck into the lives of those who need it this Christmas. Thank you to Sukhman and to Lois North in particular for organizing it so well and supplying us with everything colourful and imaginative that we needed to complete the task. Thanks also to Community Service Director John North for generating another meaningful hands-on service event this Rotary year.

Have fun at the December 7 Christmas Party – Remember that all attendees MUST be registered with Hannah Rail and that she must know the ages and genders of any children to be in attendance! That’s all for this week! Be well, do good work, and come on back to the Rotary Club of Comox!

🦋EDAS Comox Valley

The Rotary Club of Comox continue to magically give of themselves in our local communities. The club hosted an EDAS Work Party this evening, in honour of this year’s EDAS Comox Valley project and made homemade & heartfelt Christmas cards for those homeless this Christmas and they are also collecting donations❤️.

What a beautiful evening and thank you so much for having us ❤️.

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