Meeting Highlights: June 28, 2018
Rotary Club of Comox
Meeting Highlights
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Ringing of the Ducks Night!
Thanks to everyone who joined in the merry-making as we ringed those ducks one more time. It’s amazing how quickly 6,500 ducks can be “ringed” when Comox Rotarians tuck into the task with determination and good humour.
The Passing on of the President’s Lanyard
Jo would love to have done the honours herself. But Convention called so she passed on the task to Joan, who “ringed” our new President with the lanyard Harry Panjer gifted to Jo at the beginning of her presidential year. And a new tradition begins.
Russ Wigle, we all wish you well and look forward to working with and for you during 2018 and 2019.
Rotary Moment: Henrie Beaudoin
Henrie’s words follow …
This is my last meeting as Membership Director. During this time I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming more recently Sukhman, Russell Ball, Kevin Wilson, Michael Bergob, Dawn Postnikoff, Sofia, Valerie Fetherston, and Christene. These wonderful and dedicated new members have already shown how well they understand what Rotary is all about!
As a new member, I was welcomed and, meeting by meeting, I recognized the faces and names, then the qualities and strengths, and then I was inspired by the commitment it takes to work together and get things done! The Ducky 500 is a good example. We need everyone in the club to be active. Everyone is important and valued.
Be the Inspiration.
To our new members … be inspired by our long-standing members.
And to our longer serving members … take a moment to be inspired by our new and exciting members.
Cheers all, Joan Collinge (signing off…)
Thank you Joan for your hard work over the year as Secretary to the club!
We were all so busy ringing the ducks that nobody took pictures…so here is a giant rubber duck!