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Where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.

The following committees perform the following functions in the club. Committee chairs are also noted:

Membership, Chris Brulotte

Designs and carries out member recruitment activities, provides support to new members, and orients and engages new members in club activities.

Club Service, David Peat

Coordinates all aspects involved in the smooth running of the club, such as arranging Programs and Speakers and setting up for meetings.  Club Service Committee is also responsible for organizing club fellowship events.

Community Service, Holly Haston-Grant

Disburses club donations to deserving Not-For-Profit Organizations and develops and organizes community development projects for hands-on work by club members, eg in the past, Rotary members have assisted with building the Comox Rotary Stage at Filberg Lodge Park.

Literacy, Karla Hammond

Coordinates participation in community literacy projects and initiatives, such as Raise-A-Reader and the Reading Buddies program, run in the past.  The Literacy Committee reports to the Community Service Committee.

World Community Service, Tim Cowan

Develops and participates in humanitarian projects in other countries through Rotary Foundation grants.

Public Image, Keith Gibson

Advances awareness of Rotary in the community via our websites, social media, email marketing and media. Coordinates same with sponsors and recipients of support.

Youth Services, Tina Doty

Provides opportunity to youth through such aspects as student exchange programs and mentorship in high school and post secondary institutions through participation in Interact and Rotaract clubs.  Youth Committee also disburses annual scholarships.


Organizes the various club events that raise the money to carry out projects for the betterment of our local and global community and to fund the causes and charities the club wishes to support.  The present club fundraisers are the annual Canada Day Ducky 500 rubber duck race (Erin Easy), Club Auction (Karla Hammond), Smoked Wild Salmon Sales (John North) and Whiskey Fest (Russell Ball).

Awards, Victor Anasimiv

Calls for nominations and selects recipients of club awards, such as the Community Paul Harris Fellowships awarded to non Rotarian community members who nevertheless exemplify the values of Rotary.  This committee is chaired by the club Rotary Foundation Director.

Finance, Tom Miller

This committee consisting of club executive members and a club member at large assists with preparation of the budget and analysis of any club financial policies that need to be developed.

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