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Where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.


Applications are evaluated by a Committee of the Board of Directors of the Club within one month of receipt. Further information may be requested by the Committee and a funding decision will usually be made within 60 days. TIMING: Since the Rotary budget year runs from July 1st to June 30th each year, applicants are encouraged to submit their applications well before May, wherever possible.

Our objective is to make a positive impact in our community with an emphasis on helping the homeless, health, youth, and the environment. Since a significant portion of the funds available for donation by The Rotary Club of Comox are derived from lottery proceeds, preference will be given to requests that comply with BC Gaming guidelines.

Does your organization need help accessing BC Gaming revenues? The British Columbia Association for Charitable Gaming (BCACG) represents charities and community groups, promoting access to gaming revenues that are licensed and regulated by the Province of British Columbia. For more information follow this link: Charitable Gaming Association


Applications must:

  • Clearly identify the purpose, background, and goals of the Applicant Organisation;
  • Clearly identify the nature and purpose of the Project / Program;
  • Clearly identify how it fits with the funding Objectives of The Rotary Club of Comox;
  • Identify how it will positively impact our community;
  • Identify how the level of success of the Project / Program will be assessed;
  • Where possible, identify other potential sources of funding (Provide a Budget);

Comox – Funding Request Form – Fillable


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