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Meeting Highlights: May 17, 2018

Meeting Highlights: May 17, 2018

Meeting Highlights
Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Special Evening
Community Paul Harris Fellowship Awards

Let’s begin with what was a very important part of our evening … the awarding of Community Paul Harris Fellowship Awards. Thanks to Foundation Director Rod McKenzie for overseeing the call for and adjudication of nominees and for arranging tonight’s celebration.

Recipients of the Community Paul Harris Awards are recognized by the Rotary Club of Comox for the ways in which their lives exemplify the humanitarian and educational objectives of Rotary, in other words, for doing good in the world.

On Thursday we honoured some of those special community members whose outstanding contributions to our world – in ways very different from each other – truly exemplify the Rotary motto of Service Above Self.

Each recipient is asked to name the organization to which the $1,000 donation associated with the Community Paul Harris Fellowship award is to be directed.

And the recipients were (in alphabetical order) …

• Kim East (Nominated by Tim Cowan)
Since 2008 Kim’s focus has been on global health including the Okanagan-Zambia Health Initiative and as a surgical care coordinator, board member, and a developer of the RESTOR campaign burn/wound care program, which has included three trips to Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
Recipient of $1,000 Donation: Restor International.

• Bethany Ireland (Nominated by Gwyne Mack)
When her father, Ray Fast, was diagnosed with kidney disease, Bethany stepped up, researched the problem, and convinced her father to allow her to give him one of her kidneys. Bethany is now a volunteer resource person with the Kidney Foundation … helping with public education.
Recipient of $1,000 Donation: The Kidney Foundation of Canada, BC & Yukon Branch

Holly Foraie (Nominated by Cathy Snyder)
For 10 years, Holly put on an annual dance event as a cancer fundraiser for Cops for Cancer – Tour de Rock, attracting top name instructors from around North America … raising over $100,000! Holly and her three-legged Border Collie, Poppie, participate in the victim therapy program at the courthouse.
Recipient of $1,000 Donation: Comox Valley Transition Society.

Robert Mulrooney (Nominated by Russ Wigle)
Robert co-chaired the L’Arche Comox Valley “I Belong” campaign, which raised over $300,000 to build a centre for disabled adults. And, as Chair of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation, he raised well over $100,00. Robert also volunteers with and coaches hockey, baseball, and football.
Recipient of $1,000 Donation: L’Arche Comox Valley.


And While on the Topic of Awards …

Brian Mather … congratulations on receiving the Comox Valley Record Newsroom Local Hero of the Year Award!
• Congratulations to John North and Comox Valley Marine Rescue Society … also Hero award recipients.


Rotary Moment: Dr. von Schilling Ernie

Come July 1st, the beginning of the new Rotary year, Ernie will be taking over from Rod McKenzie as Foundation Chair. Foundation, Ernie said, is his passion. He has seen the power of Rotary working together within communities and around the world … accomplishing huge things that no one person can do alone. Micro-credit programs, food and shelter, disaster aid, and water and sanitation … so much good work done. And so much good work yet to be done. Ernie’s call out to us: “Let’s keep building the foundation”. He ended his presentation with the following words:

“Everything you give and everything you don’t give determines the outcomes.”



Installation: Thursday, June 7th
Past President Chris Brulotte is organizing a Night in Hawaii to welcome in our new president, Russ Wigle, and his team of hard-working Directors. What to wear? Chris tells us to pull out our best Hawaiian attire and come ready for fun.

New members: This is the night, as mentioned above, that we say thanks to the outgoing board and give our very best wishes and words of thanks to members who will be serving on the 2018-2019 Board as of July 1st.

Online registration information to be sent out soon.


Ducky! Ducky! Ducky! The Ducky 500
~ By the time you receive these highlights, Cumberland Empire Events Society : Empire Days will be a fond memory for those who attended. But important to mention that thanks to Brian McLean (of Brian McLean Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd.) we were able to have a truck in the parade with Comox Rotarian and Assistant Governor Stu Tunheim at the wheel.
~ Sign-up Sheets still have spots looking for names. If you haven’t yet signed up or if you think you could take on another shift or two … be sure to wander over to the side tables and pop in your name.


Courtenay and Campbell River Rotary Clubs Fishing Derby
May 26th
You don’t need to have your own boat … just a Rotary friend who does. Point Holmes Recreation Association will receive the net proceeds of this year’s event.

Don’t want to fish? Everyone is invited to the “Surf and Turf” BBQ at the Maritime Heritage Centre in Campbell River.
Cost $10.00 (kids free).

Would you like more information? Contact Sandy Clausen.


Mentor for Interact
If you have time to support those wonderful Mark R. Isfeld Interact Club students, please contact Cathy Snyder or Brian Mather for further information.

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