Meeting Highlights: April 12, 2018
We Began by Honouring Humboldt
President Jo brought us together with quiet words that acknowledged the great sadness that claimed the lives of many and the well-being of many others who, by quirk of chance, had the misfortune of being at a particular place at a particular point of time when tragedy struck. Many club members were wearing jerseys, as many across the country had done that day. For those who had traveled the road going to and from games in the past and for those who had very special people in their lives who had done so, this was a particularly challenging time.
And it is with gratitude that …
President Jo announced: “Holly’s back!” Holly Haston-Grant, we’re so looking forward to seeing you when you’re feeling up for us all. ☺
For those new to the club, Past President Holly Haston-Grant (the “cute one” she’s been known to say :-0) spent the last several weeks in Victoria receiving medical treatment. And now she’s home!
Rotary Moment (Past President Chris Brulotte)
Chris spoke of being proud to be part of an organization, Rotary, that not only brings together and supports families but also provides them with places to have fun. He mentioned, in particular, the Splash Park at the Marina, where young and the not so young can be seen having a grand time being outside, playing, and enjoying the beauty of Comox.
He spoke, as well, of how Rotary encourages people to take on responsibilities that may be new to them and offers training and support so that they might succeed. Thank you Chris.
Welcome to Christene Evanochko and Valerie Fetherston
Thanks to Christene and Valerie for choosing the Rotary Club of Comox as their Rotary home. With so many choices in the Valley now, we are very fortunate that you chose us! We’re happy to have you among us.
Thanks to Christene’s and Valerie’s sponsors (John North and Hannah Rail respectively) … and thanks to Assistant Governor Stu Tunheim for being part of this very special Rotary moment.
Speaker: John North and Team Community Service
Report to Club
Wow! If you weren’t able to join us last Thursday, you missed out on an absolutely stellar presentation that Director of Community Service John North and his team prepared and delivered.
The PowerPoint presentation has been sent to all members of the club via ClubRunner. Do take a few minutes to view it. You’re in for a treat … and a whole lot of excellent information about where those hard-earned Rotary dollars go and how they make a difference in our community.
Well done Team Community Service!
Submission to Council on Resolutions
Rotary Club of Comox board members discussed and agreed to submit the following to the Council on Resolutions via Richard Clarke, who is our District’s Representative to the Council. (For those new to our club, Richard is President of the Strathcona Sunrise Rotary in Courtenay.)
WHEREAS, the motto “Service Above Self” can mean different things to different people, it may suggest that one should suppress a need to take care of one’s self in favour of serving others through Rotary. For some, this goal may feel unattainable and untruthful while maintaining work, home, and other volunteer responsibilities. Life balance as self care has much importance for our fast-moving society in all parts of the world.
IT IS RESOLVED by Rotary International that the Board of Directors of Rotary International consider changing the Rotary motto from “Service Above Self” to “Service Beyond Self”.
Purpose and Effect
The purpose of the Rotary motto is to provide a simple, laudable value that can be tagged to all of Rotary’s endeavors, all of which are carried out by people: people all over the world, who live in families and are engaged in every aspect of human occupation.
The purpose in changing the motto to “Service Beyond Self” is to align with the other changes in flexibility made to encourage and retain membership: attendance, dues, meeting format and frequency, etc. Such a motto respects all the volunteer contributions of time, talent, and treasure made by our members, while still acknowledging and honoring them as whole persons who must first look after their own personal well being.
The Ducky 500 Sign-up Sheets … It’s that Time Again! ☺
The sign-up sheets are out and ready for us to choose the date, time, and location for when and where we’d like to sell those Ducky Tickets!
The excellent presentation the Community Service Team prepared for us was referenced above. And when you check out the power point (sent out via ClubRunner) remember … it was Ducky Ticket Sales that brought in the $$$ that allowed us to do so much good for so many in our community … and will again this year with us working together to make this important community event another wonderful success.
July 1st Ducky Day Festivities – Dawn Postnikoff’s Looking for Volunteers
And then there’s the day of the race! Those who have been around for awhile, know the drill. For those new to the club … so much happens on July lst. Our Ducky Day sponsors gather in the tent at riverside to enjoy lunch and get a good view of the ducks steaming down the river! Lots of work goes into planning this event and making sure it flows smoothly on the day (sometimes more smoothly than the ducks, if truth be told).
All those willing to help in any way, please contact Dawn Postnikoff.
Handbags for Hope (Keith Gibson)
Keith asked for our support for the Handbags for Hope Initiative. Here’s a piece taken from an online article that appeared in the Comox Valley Record.
“Jane Wood knows what a difference one handbag can make for a woman. While it may add style, she is focused mostly on what is inside, and how that will help those less fortunate during the Christmas season.
This is the second year Wood is co-ordinating her Handbags for Hope donation drive, which seeks donations of gently used handbags, filled with essentials and treats for women in need within the Comox Valley.”
Jane’s target is to collect 150 handbags by December 2018 and then distribute them to women in need or in transition.
Do you or someone you know have a gently used handbag that you could fill with things both practical and just that little bit special that would bring a smile to the recipient?
Where can you take them? Here’s the address:
104 – 2100 Guthrie Road
Comox, British Columbia V9M 3P6
Please contact Keith Gibson if you need further information.
Soup Day – Tuesday, April 24th
Charlene Davis will be assigning all the “Soupers” instructions and ingredients for that next great batch of nourishing soup that will warm the tummies of the Lake Trail kids.
This is such a worthwhile initiative. Doing good and having fun doing it!
Please contact Charlene if you need further information.
Tree Planting Day April 22
Please be in touch with Russell Ball to confirm your attendance.
And we’re making our way to help Rotary International (RI) President Ian Riseley achieve his goal of one tree per Rotarian being planted this year.
And from Trees to Paper to Books
President Joanne reported to Laurie Schouboe Carroll (the wife of our District Governor) that our club donated 1050 books to the community. Yeah Team Comox Rotary … with special mention to Dr. von Schilling Ernie who really helped us crank up those numbers!
Until next time …