Meeting Highlights: June 14, 2018
Rotary Moment: DrSidhu Sukhman
Sukhman never fails to bring a smile to our faces … as she did when, during the introductory moments of her Rotary moment, she said: “Oh … now I’m turning into Brian!” You know what happens when Brian gets hold of a mike … you get the drift, yes? ☺
More seriously, Sukhman spoke of how many people live in fear of not having a house to live in or clean water to drink or find themselves (or those dear to them) combating the ill effects of preventable diseases. Her Rotary moments are many, she said, because: “I’m doing something every day that contributes to addressing these problems.” “I am grateful, she added, for what I don’t have to worry about.”
What a heart-warming message Sukhman. Thank you.
And how do we contribute to addressing these problems?
We sell The Ducky 500 tickets!
If you haven’t already signed up to sell tickets and/or picked up books to sell to colleagues, family members, and friends … now’s the time! If you have already signed up to for the requested number of shifts but a glance at your calendar tells you that you can fit in a few more… well, that would be grand!
Ducky is the BIG fundraising event of our Rotary year and relies on all members to support the club either by signing up for a minimum of five on-site sales locations or selling a minimum of five books of tickets. All hands are needed on deck as we approach July 1st. Please contact Rob Van Haarlem if you need information on how to get more books and/or where people are needed for selling opportunities. Rob can re-direct you to whom you can speak with to make the necessary arrangements.
Two More Examples of the Good Ducky Sales Do
As we all are out there selling Ducky tickets in anticipation of the big race on July 1st, it’s always good to remind ourselves of why we do this and who benefits from the hours of commitment to making this event possible. On Thursday night, two more grateful recipients were with us to receive cheques to help them carry on the good work they do in our community.
• MARS ($3,200)
MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre (MARS) is to conserve and protect native wildlife and its natural habitat through education and rehabilitation. Pearl McKenzie, speaking on behalf of MARS, spoke of the increased patient load MARS has experienced and the increased costs associated with providing care. Did you know, for instance, that a mouse that could be purchased for just $1.00 in the recent past now comes with a $1.40 price tag!?! Who knew? Well, the people at MARS do … as they must find ways to fund the dietary needs of the animals they care for.
More information about MARS can be found at http://www.marswildliferescue.com
• Comox Valley Transition Society ($5,000)
The Comox Valley Transition Society provides services in the Comox, Cumberland and Courtenay areas and beyond (including Denman and Hornby Islands) to women and children who have experienced violence. Heather Ney accepted the cheque on behalf of the Society. The funds will go toward replacing furnishings that have long since passed their prime. With thanks to Comox Rotary, women and their children who flee challenging circumstances will have not only a safe place but also a pleasant environment in which to prepare for the next steps to be taken along life’s way. More information about the Transition Society can be found at https://cvts.ca
• Bursaries for Mark R. Isfeld Secondary School Students
On June 4th, Youth Service Director Cathy and President Jo presented six bursaries of $1,000 each to deserving Isfeld students, many known to our club: Kalyssa Heinrich, Celesta Buchanan, Alyssa Erickson, Olivia Sellentin, Lyndsay Harmsworth, and Alex Postnikoff … Alex being the son of our very own Dawn and Les Postnikoff. How good it is not only to celebrate excellence that these young people demonstrate but also to support them as they take those next big steps in life.
Special Guest: Robert Mulrooney
On May 17 we held our Community Paul Harris Awards Night and presented Paul Harris awards to four outstanding community members. Robert Mulrooney, one of the recipients, was unable to attend that evening and his spouse, Victoria, accepted on his behalf. Robert, however, wanted to attend last Thursday’s meeting to express his appreciation.
Presentation of Club Paul Harris Fellowship Pins
Foundation Director Rod McKenzie presented Paul Harris Plus Four pins to Past President Chris Brulotte and our soon-to-be Past President (but still working hard as our President) Joanne Coyle. Congratulations to you both.
• International Conference Attendees
We’ll be missing a few familiar faces over the next week or so. Why? These members are heading off to Toronto to be inspired by all they see and hear at the Rotary International Convention – Toronto 2018 HOC : Joanne Coyle, Tim Cowan, Maureen Fritz-Roberts, Rod McKenzie, Harry Panjer … and although he’s not “officially ours” … we still consider him part of our pack … T. Dale Roberts.
Those of us staying behind look forward to hearing all that you have to share upon your return. Travel safe. Learn lots. Be inspired. Have FUN!
• June 22nd … Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North Fundraiser (Sukhman)
Sukhman, a family member, and Theresa Brulotte are organizing a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. Cooking class, beverages :-0), and good food. Cost: $50.00 Please contact Sukhman for more information.
• July 5th … a special meeting!
On July 5th our Thursday night meeting will take place at the Tourist Centre. We will be sharing the evening with the Cumberland Club to meet with and listen to an address from our new District Governor Craig Gillis.
• Thursday Meeting Highlight Notes
President Elect Russ Wigle is looking for member(s) willing to prepare Meeting Highlights (like what you’re reading now). If you’d like to give this a go, either individually or as part of a team, please contact Russ. That would make him VERY happy. ☺ Thanks.
Guest Speaker: Fertile Ground (Peggy Carswell)
It was inspiring to listen to Peggy (of the Strathcona Sunrise Rotary) speak of her efforts to introduce organic farming to tea growers in Assam. We learned about tea-growing practices and how, through Peggy’s commitment, they are changing from insecticide-fuelled to organic means of production. She also showed us the faces and told the stories of those who are now advancing the commitment to healthy farming practices within their home communities in ways that are life-changing … not only for the tea plants but also for those men and women who have emerged as strong leaders within their villages. It was a humbling experience listening to Peggy, who has devoted herself to this cause for the past seventeen years. Do Rotarians “Make a Difference”? Peggy’s efforts are a testimonial that they do indeed. More information about Peggy and the work she does can be found at: https://tidechange.ca/…/comox-valleys-fertile-ground-recei…/
Foundation Draw
And the lucky ones are: John Marinus and Holly Haston-Grant.
That’s it for now. Until next week …