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Meeting Highlights: March 15, 2018

Meeting Highlights: March 15, 2018

March 15, 2018

Our Program speaker for the evening was member Les Postnikoff, giving his Selfie Talk – his background as a family man, an entrepreneur, and present endeavours as a strategic coach and mentor through his Vancouver Island business, TEC Canada

Les joined our club in 2017 and with fellow Rotarian Dawn Postnikoff, has 5 children. He is a certified professional golf instructor and an active community volunteer, having served as the president of a minor sports association and as a Director of a Chamber of Commerce, an Economic Development Alliance, and Habitat for Humanity. He is a lifelong athlete who has played competitive sports and completed several marathons and an ultra-marathon.

What a wonderful talk he gave – and his honesty about being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease a year ago and its impact on his life and outlook was moving and inspiring. He remains the optimistic, “glass half-full” kinda guy we know him to be. Thank you, Les.


Sergeant at Arms Rod McKenzie and Brian Mather were the funmasters for a round of limericks created on the spot and a series of Irish jokes. Jokes and limericks were encouraged with a spot of Irish dew squeezed out of the shamrocks by Molly O’Coyle! All those not wearing green paid for their sartorial omission.


With regret, the board has accepted the resignation of Peter Baader after his Rotary service of 38 years! Peter assures us he will not be a stranger. For our part, he will always be a Friend of the Rotary Club of Comox and his steadfast presence will be missed.

Valerie Fetherston‘s membership approval is now complete and we will induct her at our earliest opportunity. Welcome, Valerie! We’re excited to have you as a member. Already, you have involved yourself with the soup making and great attendance!

On your tables today is biographical information on two additional persons who have applied for membership and their applications have been approved by the board. From this date, current members have 7 days in which to let me know if there are any impediments to their membership. If none are heard, their memberships will also be approved.

The board is conducting a Membership Satisfaction Survey this month. An email will be circulated tomorrow, providing the online link to Survey Monkey. Your voice matters. The survey completion is anonymous and the aggregate results are compiled by Survey Monkey. There is opportunity to comment on each group of questions to give everyone a chance to put forward their ideas on how we can make membership in this great club continue to rock and flourish. Please plan to participate.

Comox Rotarians will be planting Douglas Fir and Garry Oak trees on April 22nd. Keep that date free in your calendar and plan to help Sustain our Environment! Contact Russell Ball Russ Ball (250) 703 3444 dj_fossil@hotmail.com OR John North (778) 585 9044 johnrnorthca@shaw.ca for more details.

We are also working on an UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY to plant cloned saplings from an ANCIENT (3,500 year-old) COASTAL REDWOOD tree later in the Fall!! These young trees have been propagated by the Archangel Tree Archive (a US charity) and we’re working with Craig Clark of the Nanaimo North Rotary Club to ship them to the Island. The Town of Comox Parks Department is recommending that these delicate young saplings should be planted near the water, perhaps in Brooklyn Creek, after our summer dry season – WATCH THIS SPACE

The Eureka Support Society has a Lunch Program serving lunch each weekday to 30 – 50 adults with mental illness. Our Club has agreed to provide $2,250 in support of their work and Comox Rotarians are invited to help by assisting with either monthly shopping or preparing / serving food on days that suit your calendar. Contact John North (778) 585 9044 johnrnorthca@shaw.ca for more details.

This month’s soup making for Lake Trail School is taking place at that school on Tuesday, March 20 from 4 – 6 pm. Come and enjoy hands-on service to these students who love, love, love the special treat of our soup once per month. Organized by VP Charlene Davis, it’s always fun to chop and chat. All costs are covered by our generous local merchants (often our John Jerczynski of John’s Your Independent Grocer!), with broth by Hannah Rail and Wes Mantooth of The White Whale! Bring your favourite knife and apron! $5 at the end buys you a glass of wine with your bowl of soup we enjoy together. Please RSVP to Charlene – she needs to know she has a team in place!

President Jo circulated information and a link to ticket sales for this event to celebrate 30 years of women and men working together in Rotary. Highly acclaimed speaker, Rotary International Vice President Dean Rohrs will be the keynote speaker and District leaders will be on hand, our own Maureen Fritz-Roberts, District Governor Nominee (DG in 2020-20210) being the MC for the evening. Please, please plan to come – you won’t regret it. It’s on our regular meeting night, so Rotary is already on your calendars! Have a drink, mingle with fellow Rotarians and guests, enjoy this historical evening.

Jo does have some hard copy tickets with her tonight if you would prefer to purchase this way. Track her down!

Happy Birthday to Harry Panjer and Wendy Stewart who share a birthdate again this year: March 18. And also to T. Dale Roberts, March 19. Many happy returns to these fellow Rotarians!…..

Ryan Williams dropped by to thank our club for its donation of $1000 to KidSport Comox Valley, so all kids can play sports. This donation was given at the Mayor’s Cup Hockey Tournament, which took place on March 3, our AG Stu Tunheim and Silver Bulletin, Brett Walker lacing up for the action.

Pres Jo and Pres Elect Russ Wigle have the following members attending DTA. So that they can plan the Friday evening reception and dinner at the hotel, please confirm your planned attendance:
In addition to Jo and Russ: Mo and Dale, Julia, Stu, LaCosta, Harry, Charlene, Sandy (?), and Tim.

We’d love to have a great showing from our club, and would especially love to see our new board members signed on – this is an ideal training opportunity for board membership next year, or at any time in the future! Expenses are most likely to be fully reimbursed – it’s always a great time, with inspiring speakers, great breakout sessions, and of course, the partying with fellow club members!!

Terri Perrin, Community Engagement Officer for Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North came by to tell us about a project of Habitat for Humanity.

Women Build will also challenge women in the Comox Valley to work on the Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North Lake Trail Road project AND to help raise money to support these projects. Both men and women are welcome to join a team.
Our club is donating the team fundraising, up to $2500 that goes towards affordable home ownership. Our Community Service Committee, with Dennis Richardson as our representative will keep our club apprised of building opportunities. The H4H build will be taking place from April 14 to October 31, 2018. Stay tuned for more information!
Women Build 2018 is sponsored by the Comox Valley Women’s Business Network.

See you March 22 when Rod and David will tell us about the Review: Presidential Peacebuilding Conference they attended in Vancouver in February.

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