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Meeting Highlights: May 31st, 2018

Meeting Highlights: May 31st, 2018

Rotary Club of Comox
Meeting Highlights
May 31st, 2018

President Joanne’s Opening Remarks
This week we had our final soup-making event for Lake Trail Middle School, once again beautifully organized by VP Charlene Davis. We’re looking forward to next school year’s renewed efforts in September. Big Thank you, Charlene.

Every club has involvement in all five of Rotary’s Avenues of Service … one way or another and to varying degrees. At the very least, all clubs are inspired by the Five Avenues of Service: Club, Community, International, Vocational, and Youth.

Our Club Board makeup and Committees are organized around these Avenues of Service. So throughout this Rotary year, each of our Club Committees has had an opportunity to shine a spotlight on its Rotary service. We have become better informed on each of our club’s Avenues of Service and we have celebrated how they have Made a Difference. This reporting also helps club members be able to choose where they want to place their Rotary energy.


Rotary Moment: Rod McKenzie
Thanks, Rod, for sharing a comical story that carried an important message. Rod’s Rotary Moment took us back to when he was a relatively new member of the Club and, Rod being Rod, had already undertaken a major volunteer commitment … organizing Salmon Sales that year.

He had made arrangements to pick up a freezer that would be used to store salmon during the selling period. Thinking that it would be a big sucker requiring the help of three strong men (Rod, Sandy Clausen, and Tim) and a not so strong, but willing helper (Joan) … oh, and Sandy’s dog … we met at the designated pick-up point. Much to Rod’s embarrassment, the freezer was small (but nonetheless gratefully received) and one that he could probably have handled alone or with, perhaps, one other person.

Why was this a Rotary Moment for Rod? As a relatively new Rotarian, he experienced how quickly people respond to a call for assistance (and was grateful for the jolly response of the moving team). Another example of having fun while doing good. Thanks Rod.


Installation: Thursday, June 7th.
Have you got your ticket yet? If not, please look for a message from Past President Chris Brulotte that tells you how to register online.

Alternatively, you can also pay at the door on Installation night. Paying by cash or cheque will allow the door-keepers to move things along quickly and get you started on the Night in Hawaii festivities … celebrating our new President Russ Wigle and his Board of Directors.


The Ducky 500 Sales
Referring to Jo’s and Rod’s messages of the good to be done and of members responding to the call for participation … now’s a good time for each us to demonstrate our commitment to making a difference. How? Sign up for the Ducky selling locations and/or pick up books of tickets to sell to your nearest and dearest. Thanks Team!


July 1st Breakfast
Just as the ducks need to get beefed up to make it down the river on July 1st … so do we! Here are the details for this year’s Ducky breakfast.

Date: July 1st
Time: 7:00 a.m.
Where: Glacier Greens Golf Course
Cost: $20.00


July 1st Ducky Tent Duties ( DrSidhu Sukhman
Thanks to Sukhman for getting us organized for tent duties. It really is fun putting it all together, seeing how we transform the tent into something that will show our sponsors how grateful we are for their support, and treating them well while they’re there. So, if you haven’t signed up yet … please get in touch with Sukhman. Thanks!


Habitat for Humanity VIN ReStore Comox Valley ( Wilford Facey)
The membership satisfaction survey confirmed what we all know … our members like Hands-On Projects! Well, here’s an opportunity to do just that. Wilf has sent out information on the Habitat for Humanity project (dated May 31st).

He asks that all prospective volunteers do two things:
• register to volunteer (information included in his email)
• watch the safety site videos.Du

Link: https://www.habitatnorthisland.com/volunteer/build/

Wilf will keep us posted as details emerge. He also wanted members to know that while it would be great for us to do this as a team, club members are welcome to join any group that’s participating. The end product is all the same … housing for those who will welcome this wonderful opportunity to have a home of their own.


How to Reach any Rotarian Anywhere in the District
If you’re trying to find contact information for any Rotarian in our District, you’ll find instructions on how to do that on page 24 of the current Roster.


Lucky Draw Winners
Sophia and Harry. J


World Community Service Presentation
The opportunity for each committee to share what they have done during the past year has been very informative. I remember Dennis Richardson commenting that never before had he felt so well informed about what the club was doing. So … thanks to President Joanne and Program Chair Bill Verburgt for building these presentations into our program. And thanks, as well, to the Directors and their team of committed committee members for the excellent preparatory work and presentations.

This past week was … World Community Service.
Marg … thanks for chairing the committee this year and thanks as well for opening the presentation by sharing how it was that you became committed to doing this work. Nothing like “seeing is believing” … and in this case the “believing” emphasized for Marg how much work needs to be done and how it can be done to great effect through Rotary.

Tim … thanks for preparing the slide show that looped throughout the social part of the event and, during the presentation, demonstrated the many ways in which the WCS Committee has worked with:
• our partners in Comayagua.
• those wonderful Isfeld Interactors
• the Mid-Island Group of WCS Committees (MIG)
• other clubs that have called upon us for financial support as they undertake projects in keeping with our club’s values.

Maureen Fritz-Roberts … thanks for a very entertaining explanation of how $1.00 becomes so many more through RI grants.

Brian Mather … as always the passionate one J when it comes to speaking of his love for Honduras, the close ties he has established with the Club Rotario Comayagua, and the inspirational leadership you provide in working with the Mark R. Isfeld Interact Club students. No wonder you were named Hero of the Year!

And to the rest of the WCS team … here’s to another great year in Rotary year 2018-2019 under LaCosta’s leadership, as she continues as Director, WCS.

LaCosta … thanks for staying with us. The WCS portfolio is a full one and we appreciate all that you bring to it. We’re with you!

That’s it for now … until next time.

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